When I visited KidsQuest, I had to wear a sticker that said, “Unaccompanied Adult…and wishing I were a kid again!
How true. I just wanted to dig right in and play alongside the kids.
The first area you come to contains “Waterways.” Our guide reminded us, “There is no wrong way to play with water.” The kids there at the time seemed to agree as they splashed and guided boats through the channels. Then I was distracted by a staff member playing with green slime.
The museum staff makes their own slime, which takes on some very elastic properties.
So many play areas, so little time. I ventured into the Hard Hats Area without a hard hat, where I became mesmerized by this special green sand called Moon Sand that stuck together so you could make balls out of it. On to fiddling with nuts and bolts.
Unfortunately I couldn’t drive the semi-truck in the Large Science area as the driver’s seat was occupied. But I heard the driver turn the key and the sound the truck made.
When you go, don’t forget to try the scarf shooter. The scarf wends its way through all kinds of tubes and comes back to you, usually behind where you’re standing.
Currently the museum is located in the Factoria Square Mall, but it has outgrown the space and will soon be moving to downtown Bellevue.
KidsQuest is free the first Friday of the month between 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
I can’t wait to take my granddaughter there so I don’t have to wear the “unaccompanied adult” sticker and can play to my heart’s content.
Looks like a great place for kids and adults with playful spirits!
Can’t wait to have a grandkid to take to places like this. Is anybody listening?
My son would have gone nuts for the water section of this when he was smaller!
For many years, my husband designed and built exhibits for the Denver Children’s Museum and then later for other sites by contract. We do not have kids, and everyone (including The Denver Post) found it very funny that he worked in the field. It is really fun, creative work, but it’s also really stressful to come up with new ideas, designs that don’t require much maintenance, etc.
I can well imagine how hard it was to come up with new, creative ideas that kids would do unheard of things to.
I love interactive museums with lots of interesting creatures on display. I think a lot of adults would have fun here, too.
That so funny about the sticker! This sounds like an awesome place to take the little ones. I used to take my great niece to places such as this when she was little and you’re right, it just makes you wish you were a kid again!
What fun, even if you aren’t a kid! I’m so glad that museums have become interactive. This would be a great one for multi-generational bonding.
Like Ruth, I need a grandkid to re-live my childhood fantasies.Or, maybe I can borrow someone else’s kid for an afternoon!
We love KidsQuest Children’s Museum! We partner with them during the holidays for Gingerbread Lane at the hotel every year. If you ever need tips on how to make a great gingerbread house, they know their stuff. Their family workshops are great and the KidsQuest staff are THE BEST!
Very cool. When I visited the Children’s Museum of Mid-Michigan with my kiddos I had sooo much fun. Even the drinking fountains were so creative.
I’m guessing that this would be a great trip for young and old alike!
I LOVE children’s museums. Best modern inventions ever.
Oh this looks awesome. Green slime! I think kids’ museums are where it’s at. Way more fun than boring adult museums.